Witold A. Cempel, PhD

President of Management Board of InterMarium LLC

– Husband, father of four children
– Doctor of Technical Sciences
– Master’s degree in economics
– More than 30 years of experience in organizing and management
– More than 20 years of experience in running a business
– Consultant to international expert bodies in the field of modern technology and management
– Expert in goal-oriented project planning (Ger.: Ziel Orientierte Projekt Planung)
– Former lecturer at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
– Member of social councils at universities in Poland
– Winner of the 2016 Innovator statuette
– Co-founder and founder of a foundation promoting Latin civilization and modern technologies
– Co-founder, chairman, board member, and member of numerous social and professional organizations, including Paneuropa Youth Movement of Poland, ITC World Solutions, Secular Order of the Discalced Carmelites, Board of Directors of the Malopolska “Solidarity” Region, St. Nicholas Parish Council in Krakow, Carmelite Families, Executive Club, Dragonfly Club
– Author and co-author of scientific articles and a book
– Co-author of a series of short historical films
– Biographical note in “Who is Who in Poland. Encyclopedia of famous Polish women and men” (Verlag fur Personenzyklopadien AG, Zug/Switzerland).
– Graduate of courses in swimming, sailing, Krav Maga and paragliding
– Author of the undated LifeNavigator planner
– Author of a poetry blog